Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 5 & 6 Pictures

My camera works! Yeah. I'm glad I remembered about it before I went to bed, because when I woke up this morning it was pouring down rain! Yesterday's picture is Stacia and her friend that came over and spent the afternoon/evening with us. I'm so glad Stacia has finally found a best friend.

This is today's picture. Our baby Midnight. I say baby because she is only about 7-8 months old. We got her in August. The people we got her from had found her at their cabin. She and her brother had been abandoned. Although she is large, she behaves pretty good. She does still chew on things that get left on the floor and she torments the cats by chasing them. But, she is very good and when we say "bed" to her she goes to her kennel.

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