Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 4

Wow, I've actually managed to do this for 4 days! Whooo hooo for me. Shayla asked me to please, please, please take a picture of her today for the "photo of the day," but she doesn't get home from school for several more hours, so tough for her! (hehe, I'm so mean.) She was in picture #1 . .although you could only see her foot, but it really was her. So she can't complain too much.

Todays picture is to commemorate me taking the time to play with my son this morning. Although mostly I just replaced missing hair, helmets and swords and lined all the little people up for their picture. Joshua made sure to tell them to "say cheese." After taking about 5 pictures, this one turned out the best . ..but then Joshua wanted me to take a few picture of him playing with his knights. So, now I have a choice . .which picture do I use? I've stuck a poll on the side of the blog so you all can help me choose which picture should be my Day 4 picture.


Oh, update on Makiya. I took her back to the doctor's office yesterday and her ear looked about as bad as it did 10 days ago. She's now on a stronger antibiotic and woke up feeling alot better this morning. Joshua entertained the doctor with this little goodie. "I have a doctor kit at my house." Dr. "You do huh? Do you want to be a doctor when you grow up?" Joshua, "Yep, and a police man, and a fire man and Prince Edward." Yeah, we were all laughing pretty hard.

1 comment:

Charity said...

That's a tough call they are both sooo cute. I just can't even vote, sorry michelle