Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dems vs. Rep.

Well, I have to say I was a bit upset at Makiya's Utah Studies teacher today. Makiya is in 7th grade. I had to pick her up from school today because she stayed after to work on Math with her math teacher. When she got in the car she asked me who I was voting for. I told her McCain (yes, I'm republican and proud of it.) Anyway, she said that if she could vote it would be for Obama. I asked her why. She said in her Utah Studies class the teacher went through what the Democrats want and what the Republicans want and then the kids had to mark which one they liked. The topics were economy, war, gas prices, global warming, jobs over seas, cost of college, test scores (for k-12), immigration, and terrorisim. She said he just had them write down some things he said and didn't really go into any details on anything.

Here is what he gave the students:

Economy d- hands on r- hands off
War d - get out now r - stay until we win
Gas Prices d- new technology r - drill here
Global Warming d- solve global warming r- it doesn't exist
Jobs over seas d- leave them there for cheap stuff r - same
Cost of college d- college more affordable r- stay the way we do it now
Test scores d- schools not doing good less tests and homework r - no child left behind
Immigration d- stop illegals treat nice (ie give benefits) r- stop illegals send them back
Terrorism d- world fight r- attack Iraq

Now, how in the world are these kids suppose to even understand this stuff without the explanations of how each party plans to accomplish each item. Like on the war in Iraq, just pull out now? Leave it worse than we found it. I'm not saying whether we should or shouldn't have gone to war there, I'm saying now that we have there would be serious problems if we left too soon. Did he explain that? Did he tell the kids that to make college more affordable the dems want to raise taxes? did he tell them that with the dem's ideas on global warming we'd eventually be told how warm we can heat our houses in the winter and how much electricity we could use in the summer for cooling? Did he mention that the dems want to allow illegals to stay in our country at the tax payer's expense . .oh yes, we pay for their medical, food stamps etc. through our taxes. Did he happen to mention that while we are developing new energy technology we have to continue to be dependent on foreign oil?

I happened to mention this problem today with a friend of mine that works for the school district. She new exactly which teacher I was talking about without me even saying his name. I guess I'm not the first parent that has complained about him pushing his liberal views on his students in this very conservative community. I'm sure if Makiya had liberal parents we'd be applauding what took place in her classroom today. Indoctorating children at an early age is all the rage in the left's agenda (do I sound extreme hehe). Liberals can take every one of these issues and say whatever they want and they will believe them as strongly as I believe the things I've posted. That's the great thing about America. We can agree to disagree and we have the freedom to do so.

I'm not going to complain to the school. But, tomorrow in class if the discussion comes back up, Makiya said she is going to tell him that he is just like the democrats running for election. He told the class the plan, but failed to tell them the process of how they plan to accomplish their goals. I say, "You go girl!"

Now, this post is going to tick a few people off. I do moderate comments and anything I don't like won't show up here. It's my blog and I can put on it what I want and you can't hehe.


Erin said...

You go girl!

utmommy23 said...

I usually avoid the topic of politics but your blog on it is so dead on!
(I'm from TTS)