Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Another Joshuaism

Last Friday I went with Chuck to the doctors, and of course, Joshua had to come along. I know our doctor thinks he is the weirdest kid rofl. Joshua had to show the doctor his finger that had a scab on it so the doctor could fix it and he usually comes up with the funniest things. Well, we got out of there without anything too weird, but then came Monday.

On Monday I had to take Stacia and Shayla back to the doctor (they couldn't go on Friday). Anyway, Joshua is adamant that something is wrong with him so the doctor needs to check him out. While we were in the waiting room he told me his leg was sore. I asked him what was wrong and he told me it was full of trash from when he helped clean up the yard. That was a new one!

Okay, so fast-forward. We're in the exam room and in comes the doctor. Joshua proceeds to show him the same finger as on Friday, only this time the scab is gone. Then he tells him he has trash in his leg and needs the doctor to get it out. However, the funniest thing he told the doctor:

"I have a bone in my arm, here feel it." As Joshua sticks his fist in the doctors face.

The doctor feels his arm and says, "Yep, you sure do have a bone in there."

Joshua says, "Yep! A dinosaur bone!"


Becki said...

LOL!! What a character!!!

periwinkle4 said...

LOL, too funny!