Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday, July 16th

It's Monday for sure! What a day. I'm now at my parent's house in Alpine. I am training for an in-home date entry job for 2 weeks, so the kids and I are camping out here. I went to my first day of work and the poor trainer, she couldn't get her support to get documents uploaded so we could learn our new job, so we left about an hour early.

When I got back to my parents my mom said, "Let's take Shayla shopping for her Birthday." So, we loaded Shayla and Joshua in the van and went to Target. Grandma bought her a new dress (for her baptism the first weekend of August). She also got a Bratz Swimming Pool for her Bratz dolls.

Okay, it's also time for the Amazing Digi Race. Today's challenge had to do with museums. I can't get my camera to load onto my dad's computer, nor can I get his disk drive to work! These first few layouts aren't going to be the greatest, but at least they will get done.

Full credits can be seen at my DSS gallery.

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