Saturday, November 8, 2008


I can't believe I went for it.

It is so gross to me that I had always said no way.

There was no way I was going to allow anything

so absolutely ewwwweeeeey in my house.

They're dirty.

They just might stink.

They have beady little eyes.

But . . . .

It's so dang cute now that I actually said yes.

Yes, it's a RAT! A baby one at that. I can't even fathom what possed me to give in. But, it's pretty gentle and Stacia is absolutely in love with "Snowball." (Why she named a brown and white rat "Snowball" I still haven't been able to figure out.)

1 comment:

Erin said...

I'm with you, gross! But I did have mice as a kid and I loved them! I can't even fathom that now, I just want to scream! Have fun with Snowball. I bet it will make a great pet!