Well, on a personal note, our one and only car broke down on Monday. Chuck spent most of yesterday retrieving it and getting it home. We've got a rental car for a few days, but our awesome friends gave us a van they wanted to get rid of. We need to fix the door, put on two new front tires and get it registered, but it'll get us by for awhile and be cheaper to fix up than a new engine. AND, thank goodness Chuck can do the repair work himself.
Joshua is really trying to say a few words lately. Last night we had a real bad storm and it woke him up. I went in to calm him down and asked him if he wanted to go sleep in my bed with me. He said, "go." He also has started saying, "mot more" for want more, but it's hilarious because he lowers his voice when he says it. Oh, and he started saying, "cak-cak" for cracker. It actually sounds like he's trying to be a duck.
The girls are enjoying summer vacation. They're fighting like cats and dogs, but hopefully we'll settle into a routin here in the next week and it won't be so bad.
Stacia is doing pretty good with her cast off. She still won't straighten her arm, but at physical therapy this morning the tech said she is doing great and right on shedule.
Because of the broken down car, Chuck is having to put off the first week or two of the farmer's market.
My brother and sister-in-law have finally finalized the adoption of their little boy, Deacon. They are having him sealed to them in the St. George temple here in the next few weeks. They are so excited.
Well, that's the personal stuff, now for the digital scrapbooking stuff:
This is my take on the DigiScrapShak Add-On Challenge. It is the funnest scrapbooking challenge there is, if you haven't tried it, go check it out this month. Also, Lori (DSS's owner) has changed the rules for the challenges. Do three (instead of 4) and get the free kit. Cool huh?! Also, we've started a Layout of the Day. At the end of the month my new Lifeguards will choose one to be our Layout of the Month and the winner with receive a coupon to the store, cool huh?! Maybe your layout will turn up (but you have to post at DSS in order to have a chance to win).

This week my assigned designer was Michelle (not me). Chelle Belle Designs is the name she uses for her designing. I chose her Rebel Diva kit for this project. Pretty awesome kit.